The Expert Advisor trades on Open prices using a repetitive price behavior pattern. No technical indicators are used.
The market with a minimum amount of strong trend movements is the best for the EA operation.
The EA operation efficiency depends on the selected market and the optimal EA settings. The total volume of the EA trades may be considerable enough making its use more justified for a broker having a rebate program or returning a volume of closed positions.
The optimal EA parameters are different for each market and timeframe. Do not use the maximum risk parameters that showed the best result in the past in real trading. The market is constantly changing, and there is no guarantee that the methods efficient in the past will remain efficient in the future. In order to minimize potential losses, optimize the EA parameters regularly, study its operation results and withdraw part of your profit. Test the EA on a demo account on the same market and with the same broker you are going to trade with.
- The broker supports more than 20 orders opened simultaneously.
- High leverage (1:200 - 1:500).
- Reliable server connection.
- Constant EA operation.
- Min_risk_depo - deposit sum, the EA trades a minimum lot per a multiple of this sum.
- Start - range (in points), from which trades are opened.
- Stop - range (in points), from which trades are closed.
- Percent_risk - lot size growth percentage in each subsequent trade.
- Pow_risk - lot size growth power in each subsequent trade.
- All_orders - limit on the number of orders.
- Slippage - maximum slippage;
- Magic - identification number of the EA's orders.
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